viernes, 11 de noviembre de 2016

Delicate Music Box

Hacía tiempo que estaba recopilando canciones que sonasen como si estuviesen a punto de romperse, frágiles como el cristal. El resultado se ha desviado un poco de la intención inicial, como siempre me suele ocurrir...

Songs looking like being about to break, with sounds as if they were made of delicate glass have been compiled by me for some time, with the intention of creating a set with them. The result, as it usually happens, is somehow different from the original intention...

  1. OCOEUR. Crystal
  2. THE BETA BAND. Rhodondendrom
  3. OCHRE. Persephone
  4. warpedweirdo. Some One Kill Me
  5. MUSIC KOMITE. Kinki & Bike (Lee Video Adapted)
  6. PORN SWORD TOBACCO. My Week In Zambia
  7. BJÖRK. Frosti
  8. LOST TWIN. Gamelan
  9. NEBULO. Stramir
  10. FUSIGI. Howpy
  11. AUTECHRE. Melve
  12. PLAID. Craft Nine
  13. SCSI-9. Moses' Tale
  14. UKKONEN. Planctus Voiceless

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